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Our Services
A low-stress, enjoyable retirement starts with a solid foundation of the basic concepts. Our free webinars and classes provide education to help you make informed decisions.
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Social Security Planning
Social Security is a major component of most retirees’ income. It’s not about just getting the most from your Social Security benefits, but coordinating with your other sources of income.
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Insurance Planning
Insurance plays a critical role in retirement. It’s a versatile planning tool than can replace income, provide an additional stream of income, or provide a legacy. When designed properly, it can also reduce future taxes, offset future long term care costs, and provide peace of mind to enjoy retirement.
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Legacy Planning
Your legacy is more than just your investment accounts. We can help with not only passing the most money to your heirs, but also preserving those things that are more important than money.
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Long Term Care Planning
The cost of long term care is one of largest expenses seniors may face as they age. Almost 70% of those over 65 will need LTC during their lifetime, making this a crucial part of any retirement plan.
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